Podcast Episode 22: Flirting, Sexting, and Dirty Talk
Nearly everyone we know claims to be bad at flirting, us included, but somehow many of us are scoring dates and getting laid.
Continue reading →Twenty years into her marriage, Kat and her husband faced head-on the great underlying fear of most monogamous people: My partner wants to have sex with other people. For them, that truth led to a rollercoaster of new sexual and romantic adventures...
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Nearly everyone we know claims to be bad at flirting, us included, but somehow many of us are scoring dates and getting laid.
Continue reading →Oh, the lady pile. It's a place I've found myself more often than I'd have expected to do so, considering that I find myself more into cock than pussy.
Continue reading →I had no idea how much zing I'd get from the 'Yes, Ma'am' he gave me as I walked out of the room to use the washroom, instructing him that I expected him to be on his back and ready for me when I returned, despite his shaky limbs.
Continue reading →Emboldened by my uncharacteristic bravery, I kept channelling it and once we'd moved into the play space, I asked a fully-dressed guy I didn't know very well if he thought he was wearing too many clothes and if he wanted me to help remedy that. He did want that. Shortly after, when the first few people got completely naked, I did the same.
Continue reading →Iris and I asked around to various women we know to see who might be interested in such shenanigans and were able to gather a group of five adventurous souls who were down to fuck me senseless.
Continue reading →I have no issues being a pervert, but I have worries about being denied entry into the US (possibly forever) for being a pervert. "We don't need your maple-scented filth here, ma'am!"
Continue reading →I find I'm kind of intimidated by them, and my brain goes into this "Pretty! *giggle* Can't. Talk." shutdown mode, and I haven't figured out how to break through.
Continue reading →Some tropical rain shut down the band early, but Will and I took advantage and made out in the rain, enjoying rain-slick skin and lips as others dodged for cover.
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